ILTER Nitrogen Initiative Training Course 2016

June 16-24th, 2016
Uryu Experimental Forest, Hokkaido University, Japan
The ILTER Nitrogen training course 2016 was designed to expose young researchers to state-of-the-art approaches to analysis of nitrogen cycling in ecosystems with a focus on key ecosystem processes and implications for environmental pollution. The course took place at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan and the Uryu Experimental Forest of Hokkaido University in Japan (a core-site of Japan LTER network) from June 16-24th, 2016. Nineteen participants from eight ILTER network countries (Japan, Taiwan, USA, Mexico, France, Brazil, Austria and China) attended this course. Twenty four academic staff from Japan, Taiwan, USA, Portugal and Austria gave a series of indoor lectures and field demonstrations on cutting-edge findings, research protocols, and meta-analysis tools related to long-term nitrogen cycles in ecosystems. The students worked in small groups and carried out two projects. First, they searched for, downloaded and analyzed existing ILTER data and they then carried out intensive data collection in forest research sites at the Uryu experimental forest. Read more
Organizer: International Long-Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER)
Co-organizers: JaLTER (Japan LTER); TERN (Taiwan LTER)
Local organizing team; Hideaki Shibata, Toshiya Yoshida, Karibu Fukuzawa, Makoto Kobayashi, Yoshitaka Uchida (Hokkaido University)
Funding supports: Environmental research and technology development fund (S-15) of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan; The U.S. National Science Foundation Grant (DEB-1642303); the Joint Usage / Research Grant of Center for Ecological Research (2016jurc-cer015), Kyoto University, Japan; Society of Subtropical Ecology; Ministry of Education, Taiwan; Tunghai University, Taiwan; the Joint Usage / Education grant of Filed Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University, “Field Studies of Forest Environment and Ecosystem Conservation (2012-2016)”; FCT (SFRH/BPD/75425/2010); Nitro, Portugal (H2020-TWINN 692331); International Long-Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER)